Bryan Koronkiewicz – “Bilingual code-switching: structure acquisition and research methods”

El Grupo de Investigación Reconocido UVALAL organiza, el próximo viernes 5 de julio, de 11 a 12hrs, la conferencia “Bilingual code-switching: structure acquisition and research methods”. Estará a cargo de Bryan Koronkiewicz (University of Alabama) y tendrá lugar en el Seminario del Departamento de Inglés de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras.

Sobre la conferencia

"Él se lavó su face in the sink ‘He washed his face in the sink’ — such an utterance may be comprised of only eight words, but there is an immeasurable amount of linguistic data contained within. How and why would a Spanish-English bilingual decide to combine their two languages in this way? Not only can we analyze the structural choices that such a bilingual makes, but we can also look at what characteristics of the speaker may be influencing those choices. This research talk delves into some of the diverse aspects of intra-sentential code-switching, exploring its multifaceted nature from different perspectives. Code-switching, the alternation between two or more languages within a single discourse, is a commonplace bilingual practice and a phenomenon that has fascinated linguists for decades. This presentation offers an examination ofsuch language mixing, delving into such topics as its syntactic structure as well as how it coalesces with acquiring a second language. Additionally, an emphasis is placed on the methodological concerns that are unique to code-switching studies, as it is crucial that this line of research ensures that it is using the appropriate tools to collect such data. Drawing on specific experimental research projects based on Spanish-English code-switching in the US, this talk aims to address questions such as: What are the underlying structural factors that shape code-switching utterances? What variables shape how individuals acquire code-switching patterns? How should researchers best collect code-switching data?"

Publicado en especificas.