El GIR INSISOC (Social Systems Engineering), en colaboración con el Programa de Doctorado en Ingeniería Industrial, organizan la conferencia “Discrete-event modeling and simulation methodologies: past, present and future”. Será impartida en español por Gabriel Wainer, catedrático en el departamento de Sistemas e Ingeniería de la Computación en Carleton University (Canadá) y director del grupo de investigación ARSLab (Advanced Modeling & Simulation Research Laboratory).
La conferencia tendrá lugar el próximo 25 de octubre, a las 11hrs., en la Sala de Grados 2308 de la Sede Mergelina de la Escuela de Ingenierías Industriales.
Formal Modeling and Simulation methods appeared in order to try to improve the development task of very complex simulation systems. The DEVS formalism proved to be successful in providing means for modeling while reducing development complexity and costs. The independence of M&S tasks made possible to run DEVS models on different environments (personal computers, parallel computers, real-time equipment, and distributed simulators) and middleware. The talk will present a historical perspective of discrete-event M&S methodologies, showing different modeling techniques. We will introduce DEVS origins and general ideas, and compare it with some of these techniques. We will then show the current status of DEVS M&S, and we will discuss a technological perspective to solve current M&S problems (including real-time simulation, interoperability and modelcentered development techniques). We will show some examples of the current use of DEVS, including applications in different fields.