La X International Summer School on Fault Diagnosis of Complex Systems se celebrará del 1 al 5 de julio (de lunes a viernes, 30 horas en total) en la Escuela de Ingeniería Informática de la Universidad de Valladolid (Campus Miguel Delibes). En esta escuela, se presentarán métodos de detección y diagnóstico usando técnicas de control y de IA, además de introducciones al prognóstico de fallos, así como el uso de técnicas de ML y Deep Reinforcement Learning para estas tareas. El evento está dirigido a estudiantes de doctorado y máster y profesionales interesados en estas líneas de trabajo.
Para asistir es necesario inscribirse y realizar el correspondiente pago a través de este enlace. Los estudiantes de la UVa tienen un precio reducido de 350€ hasta el 21 de junio y de 500€ en la última semana.
Todas las conferencias y cursos se impartirán en inglés.
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Summer School call in english
The Spanish Thematic Network on Supervision and Diagnosis of Complex systems will organize in July 2024 (1-5 of July) the 10th Intl. Summer School on Fault Diagnosis of Complex systems.
Currently, automated diagnosis of devices is an interesting research and development field. It can be approached with different techniques (knowledge-based systems, case-based reasoning, machine-learning or model-based reasoning) coming from different fields: Control Engineering, Artificial Intelligence or Statistics. It is not easy to include several of these techniques in a single course.
This School is an intensive seminar that will take place along 5 days (30 hours) in Valladolid, Spain, at Escuela de Ingeniería Informática. Its main goal is introducing students to different diagnosis approaches coming from different research communities: Control Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Statistics... This year we will introduce also Machine Learning methods for prognostics and condition-based maintenance.
The School is open to PhD/master students and also to industrial practitioners interested in these approaches to diagnosis. Successful applications to fields like electronic circuits, chemical processes, continuous industrial processes, automotive, satellites, software, etc. have been made.
The Summer School oficial language will be English.
For further information, programme and registration, visit: