10th IMFAHE International Conference | 27 de mayo

El próximo lunes 27 de mayo, de 11.30 a 17.45hrs. (Hora Central Europea), la International Foundation for the Advancement of Higher Education (IMFAHE) organiza la décima edición de su conferencia internacional.

La jornada será online vía Zoom y está abierta a todos los estudiantes que se registren en este enlace. Los asistentes recibirán un certificado acreditativo.


11.30hrs. Opening session. Celebrating a decade of international collaborations, innovation and excellence with a vision for tomorrow

12.30hrs. VII IMFAHE’s Nodal Award-Shark Tank 2024-Global Idea Competition

14.30hrs. Break

15.30hrs. Oral presentations. Presentations of the selected abstracts of the work carried out by the members of IMFAHE’s Platform.

17.00hrs. IMFAHE Spotlight. Showcase of finalist videos from professors and international mentors, presenting their work and research to engage the public and advance open science through global knowledge sharing

17.10hrs. Break

17.30hrs. Awardees Announcement. IMFAHE’s Excellent Fellowships 2024, IMFAHE´s Nodal Award –Shark Tank 2024, Best Oral Presentations 2024, Best Spotlight Videos 2024

17.45hrs. Closing and brindis

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🔗 Cartel del programa completo

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