Curso BIP “Doctoral Education” (Valladolid, sept-oct 2023)

Desde la EsDUVa, nos complace informaros de este curso de formación doctoral trasversal organizado en colaboración con el Servicio RELINT y las universidades europeas del SGroup. Es un blended intensive programme (BIP) virtual-presencial. La parte presencial se celebrará en la UVA del 2 al 6 de octubre.

Esta actividad se enmarca dentro de la estrategia de la EsDUVA de seguir fortaleciendo e impulsando la proyección internacional de los estudios de doctorado.

Programa provisional disponible AQUÍ.

La selección de participantes se comunicará durante el mes de junio.



Información adicional difundida por la red SGroup:

Dear SGroup Community,

We resume contact with you to disseminate another SGroup initiative developed within the Think Tank for Doctoral Studies to support PhD students of member institutions. Therefore, we are very pleased to inform you that the University of Valladolid is organizing the SGROUP BIP ON DOCTORAL EDUCATION, which entails online and face-to-face activities.

The programme, that you can find enclosed, will take place virtually on 20, 21 and 25 of September and the in-person sessions will take place from 2 to 6 of October 2023, at the University of Valladolid.

The objective of the SGroup BIP on Doctoral Education is to deliver high quality joint training offered by SGroup members enriched by the different approaches of the participating universities using the strengths of the several participants. We will bring together the most innovative approaches in order to inspire and encourage the enhancement of Doctoral Education innovation in the SGroup universities. PhD students of the SGroup universities are invited to participate.

Participants are expected to bear the travel and accommodation expenses to Valladolid with a BIP ERASMUS+ Grant.

The University of Valladolid will bear the cost of Coffee breaks, lunches (four days), the farewell cocktail and also the programmed social activities such as Valladolid city tour, trip to Peñafiel with a visit to a winery and a trip to Segovia.

All PhD students from SGroup member universities, regardless of their study and research area, can apply directly through the following SGroup online form:

We kindly ask you to please disseminate this excellent opportunity as widely as possible among your PhD Students, Supervisors and Departments, and in case you have any question, please do not hesitate to contact our Colleague Mar Fernandez at:

Best regards,

Sofia Abreu


Publicado en convocatorias.