Luiz A. Manzoni – “A distributional approach to point interactions in relativistic quantum mechanics”

El próximo 10 de abril, a las 17:00hrs., el Proyecto Q-CAYLE (Comunicaciones Cuánticas Seguras en Castilla y León) organiza el Seminario “A distributional approach to point interactions in relativistic quantum mechanics”.

La jornada estará a cargo de Luiz A. Manzoni (Concordia College; Moorhead, MN, USA) y tendrá lugar en el Seminario B118 de la Facultad de Ciencias.


We discuss an approach based on Schwartz’s distribution theory to treat point interactions in one dimensional quantum mechanics, focusing on the relativistic case (i.e., Dirac Equation). We obtain the most general distribution describing relativistic point interactions and show that it allows us to establish a relationship between the parameters describing the matching conditions across the singular points and parameters describing scalar, pseudo-scalar, and vector point potentials. Some preliminary results for the Dirac equation with double point interactions and well-defined parity are also discussed.

Publicado en especificas.