Duration of doctoral studies

Change to part-time/full-time

As a general rule, doctoral students will be considered to be full-time students. However, once enrolment has been made, doctoral students may submit a request to the academic committee of the doctoral programme to change from full-time to part-time or vice versa.

For each doctoral student, only one change in their dedication regime may be authorised per academic year and it shall take effect from the date when it has been authorised by the academic committee.

When a doctoral student is enrolled on a same doctoral programme on a full-time and part-time basis, the total duration of their doctoral studies will be calculated on a full-time basis proportionally.


Temporary and permanent withdrawals

Doctoral students may apply for temporary or permanent withdrawal from the doctoral programme.

This request must be addressed and justified to the academic committee of the doctoral programme, who will decide whether the student's request can be granted.