International doctoral thesis co-supervision

In order to promote and facilitate the internationalization of its academic offer, the University of Valladolid encourages international co-supervision of doctoral theses. For this purpose, the statement "Thesis in co-supervision with the University U", will be included on the front of the title of Doctor, provided that the following REQUIREMENTS are met:

  1. A co-supervision agreement will have been formalized between the University of Valladolid and the foreign university(ies) whereby both recognise the validity of theses written under co-supervision and wherein they undertake to award the doctoral degree at the request of the interested parties.
  2. During the term of the agreement, the doctoral student must be enrolled in doctoral studies at all participating universities.
  3. The doctoral student will have a thesis supervisor at each university.
  4. That, for their doctoral thesis work, the doctoral candidate is awarded a PhD degree from each of the higher education institutions responsible for the thesis and who are signatories of the agreement
  5. During the training period required to obtain the title of Doctor, the doctoral student must carry out a stay of at least six months (with a maximum of three periods) at each of the institutions that sign the co-supervision agreement, and must conduct research work. This stay may be longer if the rules of any of the universities signing the agreement so require. In such instances, this condition must be explicitly stated in the co-supervision agreement. Stays and activities will be set out in the co-supervision agreement and will be accredited by means of certificates signed by the persons responsible for the stays, and which will be included in the doctoral student's activities document.
  6. Theses in international co-supervision may also grant the mention "International Doctorate" in the title of Doctor if research stays are carried out at institutions other than those taking part in the formalized agreement, provided that the remaining requirements stipulated for this mention are fulfilled.

The doctoral student must follow the ordinary deposit, public presentation and admission to defence procedure established by the Regulation of Doctoral Studies of the University of Valladolid.

The defence of the thesis shall be a single event and shall be held at either of the two universities –as specified in the agreement. The examining board shall have the approval of the Doctoral Theses Committee or equivalent body of both institutions and shall send an original record of its proceedings to the competent body of each university.

More information in the Rules for Doctoral Studies.