Erasmus Internships

This section offers a number of different Erasmus+ internships for doctoral students from the University of Valladolid to visit foreign universities for research stays.

Offers are classified by continents and –within these– by countries and institutions. Each offer contains a brief description of the target scientific areas and the associated activities. These Erasmus+ mobility calls are managed by the International Relations Service of the UVa. For further information, please contact:


The amount allocated for these Erasmus+ internships is 700€/month or 950€/month for socioeconomically disadvantaged participants, for a maximum of three months. In addition, successful applicants will receive a travel grant of €1,500 and will be covered by a travel assistance insurance funded by the UVa.

Call for applications

Academic Year 2024-2025

How to apply

Students who are interested in one of these offers must obtain prior acceptance from the corresponding host university (Company Agreement Form). They will then need to process the "Training Agreement" document, which must be approved by the tutor/supervisor of the doctoral thesis and by the Deputy Director of International Relations at the EsDUVA. Finally, the application must be submitted through SIGMA. Further information can be found in the following user manual.

Application deadline

The application period will commence the day after publication at the University of Valladolid Sede Electrónica (electronic office) of the general call for UVa students or recent graduates to carry out ERASMUS INTERNSHIPS in foreign companies and will end on 9th May 2025 at 3 p.m.

Enquiries and further information

For any enquiries concerning this call, please contact the International Relations Office at this

OPEN CALLS: Erasmus+ internships:

Open calls can be found in this link.