Becas postdoctorales Marie Skolodowska-Curie | Universidad de Macerata, Italia

La Universidad de Macerata (Italia) ofrece financiación, formación y apoyo a investigadores que se presenten a la convocatoria europea de becas postdoctorales Marie Skolodowska-Curie con un proyecto de investigación con esta universidad como institución de acogida.

La ayuda está destinada para investigadores de todas las áreas científicas. El plazo de presentación de solicitudes está abierto hasta el 29 de marzo de 2024. Las condiciones y requisitos pueden consultarse a continuación o a través de su página web.


Are you interested in becoming a Marie Curie Fellow and work on your own research project? Are you willing to have the University of Macerata as your host institution? Then you should apply for a Marie Sklodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship within the Horizon Europe programme, aimed at promoting excellent research across borders. 

  • A unique opportunity to carry out your research activities, acquire new skills and develop your career as a researcher. 
  • A unique way to gain experience in other countries, in any discipline. 
  • A unique proposal preparation gym for your research idea.

The University of Macerata will award a funding, training and support package to talented researchers who will apply to the European MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships call with a research project with the University of Macerata as host institution (European Fellowships) or return host institution (Global Fellowships).

In case of award, you  will have access to unprecedented and very favourable conditions:

  • High-level training (Masterclass) to write a MSCA - PF proposal. You will benefit of on-line and in presence training sessions combining frontal lessons with practical workshops and of the supervision and coaching of experts, also available for personalised meetings.
  • Direct meetings with Scientific Supervisor
  • Mentorship and coaching on proposal elaboration, until submission
  • Up to 500€ funding for English language proof-reading
  • Up to 1200€ funding for travel and accommodation (only for residents outside Italy)

Who can apply? Researchers who: 

  • Completed a PhD or will complete it at the date of EU call deadline (11 September 2024
  • Have a maximum of 8 years full-time equivalent experience in research at EU call deadline
  • Have not resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in Italy for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to the EU call deadline (or 12 months in the Third Country, if they apply for a Global Fellowship)

Which topics can be funded? All areas of scientific research may be eligible for funding. However, please consider that the University of Macerata focuses exclusively on SSH disciplines.

Deadline for applications: 29 March 2024

Announcement info webpage:

Publicado en convocatorias.