These students are the winners of the 3MT 2022 Competition:
FIRST AWARD: Paula Molinero González
Transdisciplinary Research Doctoral Programme in Education
Title: “Lo esencial es invisible a los ojos”
SECOND AWARD: Sara López Vázquez
Doctoral Programme in Biomedical Research
Title: “Aló, ¿calcio? Combatiremos el Alzheimer”
THIRD AWARD: (ex aequo): Clara Pérez González
PhD Programme in Physics
Title: “Muu-cho más que sensores”
THIRD AWARD: (ex aequo): Teresa Sigüenza Andrés
Doctoral Programme in Agri-Food and Biosystems Science and Engineering
Title: “Una historia con mucha miga”
AUDIENCE AWARD: Elena Caldero Escudero
PhD Programme in Biomedical Research
Title: “Alzheimer, calcio y fuegos artificiales”
- Monday 15 April. I.E.S. Núñez de Arce (Valladolid), 11:00 a.m.
- Tuesday 16 April. I.E.S. Vega del Prado (Valladolid), 11:00 horas a.m.
- Wednesday 17 April. I.E.S. Diego de Praves (Valladolid), 11:00 a.m.
- Tuesday 30 April. Teatro José Zorrilla (Valladolid), 19:00 a.m.
FIRST ELIMINATORY - Monday 15 April 2024
- José Luis Marín - Consultor
- Alberto Sobrino - Ilustrador
- Ángel Molina - Escritor en el periódico “El Generacional”
- José Pérez Blanco - Docente en el I.E.S. Núñez de Arce
SECOND ELIMINATORY - Tuesday 16 April 2024
- Etienne Cartuyvels - Traductor
- Aracelil Arnaiz.
- Javier Álvarez Vicente - Agricultor
- Nuria Fernández Enríquez - Docente en el I.E.S. Vega de Prado
THIRD ELIMINATORY - Wednesday 17 April 2024
- Camino Monje.
- Eva Gigosos - Docente en el Conservatorio de Música
- Carlota Esteban Cabreros - Violinista
- Nélida García González - Docente en el I.E.S. Diego de Praves
FINAL - Tuesday 30 April 2024
- Yolanda Burgoa - Diputada Delegada del Servicio de Educación y Cultura
- Cristina Carro - Periodista
- Esperanza Ortega - Escritora
- Carlos Aganzo - Escritor y periodista
- Tamara Martínez - Renault Group
Listados según su orden de intervención (por sorteo):
FIRST ELIMINATORY - Monday 15 April 2024
- Jessica Nataly Figueroa Haro - PD Biomedical Research
- Clara Pérez González - PD Physics
- Ana Pastor Rodríguez - PD Transdisciplinary Research in Education
- Lucía Sanz Valdivieso - PD Advanced English Studies: Languages and Cultures in Contact
- Teresa Sigüenza Andrés - PD Agri-Food and Biosystems Science and Engineering
- Silvia Hernández de la Red - PD Biomedical Research
- Elías Vega Riera - PD Business Economics
- Camilo Anzola Rojas - PD Information and Telecommunications Technologies
- Eva Consuelo Cano Plaza - PD Cultural and Natural Heritage: History, Art and Territory
- Elisa Leonor García Cruz - PD Chemical and Environmental Engineering
- Ángela Milagros Reyes Gutiérrez - PD Economics
SECOND ELIMINATORY - Tuesday 16 April 2024
- Marcos Merillas Fernández - PD Physics
- David Moldes Plaza - PD Chemistry
- Laura Barrero Santiago - PD Health Sciences Research
- Ismael Romero Castillo - PD Vision Sciences
- Mario Fernández de la Fuente - PD Physics
- Liz Karen Ruiz Bohórquez - PD Transdisciplinary Research in Education
- Elena Caldero Escudero - PD Biomedical Research
- Clara Amezúa Arranz - PD Physics
- Silvia Lahuerta Martín - PD Health Sciences Research
- Sara López Vázquez - PD Biomedical Research
- Paula Molinero González - PD Transdisciplinary Research in Education
THIRD ELIMINATORY - Wednesday 17 April 2024
- Teresa Vicario Fernández - PD Law
- Aitor Vázquez Veloso - PD Conservation and Sustainable Use of Forest Systems
- Nadia Regina Galindo Cabello - PD Biomedical Research
- Javier Alejo Hernández Ayllón - PD Architecture
- José Soro García - PD Health Sciences Research
- Elena Muñoz Cerro - PD Conservation and Sustainable Use of Forest Systems
- Mario Villaizán Vallelado - PD Information and Telecommunications Technologies
- Félix Lizalde Arroyo - PD Physics
- Fernando Hernández Atienza - PD Economics
- Jaime Lledó Martín - PD Physics
- Ivelise Domínguez García - PD Business Economics
FINAL - Tuesday 30 April 2024
- Aitor Vázquez Veloso - PD Conservation and Sustainable Use of Forest Systems
- Félix Lizalde Arroyo - PD Physics
- Teresa Sigüenza Andrés - PD Agri-Food and Biosystems Science and Engineering
- Nadia Regina Galindo Cabello - PD Biomedical Research
- Silvia Hernández de la Red - PD Biomedical Research
- Jaime Lledó Martín - PD Physics
- Paula Molinero González - PD Transdisciplinary Research in Education
- Javier Alejo Hernández Ayllón - PD Architecture
- Sara López Vázquez - PD Biomedical Research
- Mario Fernández de la Fuente - PD Physics
- Clara Pérez González - PD Physics
- Elena Caldero Escudero - PD Biomedical Research
- Ana Pastor Rodríguez - PD Transdisciplinary Research in Education
- Aitor Vázquez Veloso - PD Conservation and Sustainable Use of Forest Systems
- Félix Lizalde Arroyo - PD Physics
- Teresa Sigüenza Andrés - PD Agri-Food and Biosystems Science and Engineering
- Nadia Regina Galindo Cabello - PD Biomedical Research
- Silvia Hernández de la Red - PD Biomedical Research
- Jaime Lledó Martín - PD Physics
- Paula Molinero González - PD Transdisciplinary Research in Education
- Javier Alejo Hernández Ayllón - PD Architecture
- Sara López Vázquez - PD Biomedical Research
- Mario Fernández de la Fuente - PD Physics
- Clara Pérez González - PD Physics
- Elena Caldero Escudero - PD Biomedical Research
- Ana Pastor Rodríguez - PD Transdisciplinary Research in Education
Preliminary rounds
1st preliminary round
2nd preliminary round
3nd preliminary round